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A member registered Jun 07, 2021

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i thout you meant "Pos" as "Piece Of Shit"

tf how am a I piece of shit


(1 edit)

since your gonna make a 3d or 2d version (maybe) you could ask your fans to make drawing of the items for the invotory if you even do that, or just if the time is on the floor and it doesn't have to be items it could just be assest or whatever it's called

i didn't see your idea also, did you invent speedrunning? No? Exactly also I need a recording but I'll believe you since it doesn't seem like your lying (and not becuase Im too lazy to check if that time is even possible)

RULES: No saving, send a recording with a timer on the video, starts when you hit play

say which ending you are doing + version